Monday, 11 June 2012

Science Model for the Day

Scientist Caitie: ready for my close up!

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to take part in a video shoot here in Chennai. Having never done anything quite like this before, I was naturally nervous! For the video, I was demonstrating how easy an interactive training program was by going through the steps. The program is for a medical diagnostic machine, however I can't be more specific than that due to privacy issues. 

Setting up the first shots

Arriving at the studio, Nipsi explained to me that the area, Venus Colony, is home to a lot of movie and television stars and other celebrities. This, naturally, did nothing to calm my nerves! We parked and made our way over to the shoot location. It was being held in the gallery/studio of Sundar, a very well known photographer here in Chennai. Walking in and seeing some of the examples of his work on the walls kicked my nerves into overdrive and made me feel clumsy and uncertain. However, he and Sree (the shoot organizer and representative for the product) were extremely friendly and put Nipsi and I immediately at ease. I was so happy Nipsi agreed to join me since I wouldn't have had a clue how to get there/what to do when I arrived without her! 

My view from in front of the lights... Hi Nipsi! 

Having been told to wear "business attire", I arrived in one of my nicer dresses with two others and a blazer in tow just in case. However, this seemed to be less of an issue since they had sourced a lab coat for me to wear. My work generally doesn't involve anything like that so it was nice to feel like a proper scientist for the day... even though it was just temporary! 

Me and Sree, the shoot organizer

For the shoot itself, we used two set ups around the gallery. The first was for the longer distance shots of me working through the training program while the second was primarily for close ups of my face while working. It's a very strange feeling knowing your every movement is being watched! And the program's touch screen interface proved particularly difficult given that my hands were shaking. Luckily my nerves dissipated quickly and I was able to run through the program a few times before we actually started shooting.  

Setting up

Although I felt a little silly at different points during the shoot (mainly because I am definitely not model material!), I still enjoyed myself. Not sure I'll be making a career change any time soon but, overall, it was a great day and proved to be an interesting break to my normal routine! The video is now going to be put together and used as a promotional tool at a conference in Napa Valley. Thinking about the fact that people I don't know in a place I've never been will be watching it makes me nervous all over again... hope they like it! 

More setting up

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